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Enjoy Eastmark’s Party at the Pavilion

On Saturday, May 3, 2014, Eastmark’s new Event Pavilion will debut with a daylong celebration, Party at the Pavilion. Beginning at 11am guests will be treated to an array of local bands (including a jazz group, blues/rock band and cover bands) and school choruses which will inspire dancing in The Eastmark Great Park. The free event is open to the public. Local food trucks will surround the park so visitors can have a picnic during concerts. Eastmark’s splash pad will be open for kids of all ages to enjoy.

The Party at the Pavilion is just a preview of life at Eastmark. “Major special events like this are starting to make Eastmark a place of memories, a place to call home. Sharing this new feature of the park with our neighbors brings us together as a community,” said Suzanne Walden Wells, director of community life for Eastmark.

Special events, unique community traditions, and programming for residents enhance the dynamic lifestyle at Eastmark. By fall 2014, there will be a second charter school within walking distance, Pathfinder Sequoia Academy. New plans for a local commercial center are already in the works just down the street from the first phase of homes. Today, more than 100 families call Eastmark home and many more are moving in this year.

Party at the Pavilion


Party at the Pavilion, Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Eastmark Great Park

Click here for directions: 10100 E. Ray Road

11:00am – 8:00pm; ribbon cutting ceremony at 10:00am

Free to the public, food truck vendors will be selling food and beverages


Categories: Events, Family Fun, Free

By: Mandy Alexander

Your March 1 Survival Guide

March 1 promises to be the most Downtowniest day of the year. Here’s a guide to help you enjoy the maximum amount of Downtown with a minimum amount of Downtown hangover.

1. Leave Your Car at Home

Ride your bike. Ride light rail. Call Uber. Ride a beat-boxing unicorn for all we care. Just don’t give yourself the option of drinking and driving. #drivehammeredgetnailed

2. Eat Brunch!

Establishing a base is paramount if you’re going to have any kind of staying power. Recommended brunch spots include Breakfast Club, District American Kitchen & Wine Bar, Blue Hound, Chloe’s Corner and Vig Fillmore.

3. Drink Water

And anytime you think you’ve consumed enough water, drink more water.

4. Second Annual Health and Healing Festival at ALAC

Free and open to the public, this collaboration between ALAC, University of Arizona and Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health explores the “art of being healthy” and will include a variety of lectures from professors and community healing artists, plus demonstrations of acupuncture, chalk and finger painting, Tai-Chi, poetry readings and healthy eating. The festival runs from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

5. Snack Time!

A slice of pizza at Majerle’s Downtown Pizza Lounge or a couple of tacos from Fuego will do just fine. Nothing too heavy. Lots of work left to do.

6. Mardi Gras Parade & Festival at CityScape

Check out the Fourth Annual Mardi Gras and Parade, which will headquarter at CityScape. From 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. revel with the help of a DJ curated soundtrack, creepy masks, vendors and, of course, beads. So many beads. The community parade starts at 4 p.m. so come down early to secure your optimal spectator perch. If you want to be in the parade fill out this form.

7. Drink Water

Seriously, you guys.

8. Art d’Core at Crescent Ballroom

The Art d’Core gala is a free, formal celebration of color and art in our Urban Core and features a guest address from Mayor Greg Stanton, an eye-popping virtual tour of Downtown art spaces and a partial street closure on Second Avenue to accommodate some extra special ArtLink-approved touches. The gala starts at 6 p.m. and entry is free but attendees are encouraged to RSVP here.

9. More Mardi Gras

After partying with Mayor Stanton, mosey back to CityScape to take advantage of Mardi Gras specials at hot spots like Copper Blues and Gypsy Bar. What, did you think Mardi Gras ended at 8?

10. Get home safely, then sleep through Sunday





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